
Pastors & Staff

Marcus McNabb

Global Pastor

Modern Day Voice of Wisdom, Pastor Marcus serves as senior pastor of the Sound Church Inc.
“He teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.......

Shontill McNabb

Global  Apostle

Authentic, Relevant Voice, Pastor Shontill serves as an Apostolic voice of the Sound Church Inc.
”He has given us Power to tread.....

Kenneth Valentine

Global Executive  Pastor 

 Walking in Kingdom Authority, Pastor Kenneth serves as an Executive Pastor of the Sound Church Inc.
The kingdom suffers violence: but the violent takes it by force...

Chelsey Valentine

Campus Pastor (Sound LC)

Prophetic Atmosphere Shifter, Pastor Chelsey serves as a Campus Pastor of the Sound Church Inc.
HE has anointed me to preach...

Joshua Hebert 

Pastor of Music 

Worship is my Oxygen, Joshua serves as the Worship Minister of the Sound Church Inc.
We were created just to worship Him...